Canadians deserve banking that lets you keep more of your money in your pocket.

Let’s tell the government to keep their word and upgrade Canada’s financial system. Join today!


Costly fees, slow payments, no choice, failure to innovate

Canada’s financial sector isn’t working hard enough for you. While Canadians struggle with high inflation and skyrocketing costs, the banks are turning bigger and bigger profits, earning more and more from the fees you pay. Canada can do better.   

Join the campaign today and tell Ottawa to keep their promise in 2024 to modernize, to cut fees, and put more money back in your pocket.

The Problem

Sky-High Fees

Canadians are paying thousands in fees over their lifetimes

Canadian businesses lose $3-6.5 billion
each year to fees

63% of Canadians have
given up on their dream
of home ownership


In Fall 2023, the federal government promised new legislation to arrive in Spring 2024. We need your help to make sure they keep their promise. While other countries around the world are innovating and modernizing banking, Canadians continue to wait for a financial system that ensures YOU, not your bank, control your data. If Ottawa keeps their word, we can finally catch up!

The Solution

Open Banking puts you in control of your data. Payments modernization provides faster and lower cost options for sending and receiving money, and Canada is falling behind the rest of the world. One voice won’t make a difference but thousands will, which is why we need your help. Join the campaign today and tell your MP and the government that they’re on the right track, but it’s time to close the deal!

Rental History = Increased Credit Score

Reduced Fees for Small Businesses

Grow the Canadian Economy

All Your $$ in One Place (Managing Multiple Accounts)

More Choice Lower Fees

A Brighter Future for Canada

Sign up today and tell the government now is not the time to take our foot off the gas pedal and to keep its promise to Canadians about open banking and upgrading our financial systems.